question: what is the intrinsic value of an application such as twitter?
does it help to quell this massive desire that many people online have to communicate in some form of community environment and just facilitate that on a per second basis through multiple submission mediums?
it's true, as human beings we have always had a need to congregate, the internet in many ways allows for that need to be fulfilled in a multitude of ways. web2.0 is very much about software and code enabling that urge in my opinion...companies are launching new apps with the primary purpose of building communities of communicators...nothing wrong with that i suppose. there's now an entire micro-economy built up that allows lot's of people who do nothing to do something to generate revenue with the limited time they have away from doing nothing, not a bad gig if you can get it...
now admittedly i'm a complete neophyte blogger, i break all sorts of so called rules within the blogosphere as to how to be a professional and respected blogger type person, such as the now famous scoble........... or his obscene, perverse and yet oddly effective buddy macleod at gapingvoid . a blog i've been following for sometime... and admire his unique take on this medium, i don't necessarily agree with his explicitness relating to his self-professed failed sex life, however, i suppose that's part of the uniqueness that is hugh (shown below).
i'm not and don't suggest to be a professional blogger (not even close)...i simply don't have the time, nor the skill. that said, here i am rapping keys for the purpose of communicating a thought via this medium, why, because it's so technically easy to do (that's good for me)...poorly done many might say, but who really cares?
so how would twitter put more money in my corporate bank account? i'm not sure that it does other than to study it, first the technology, then maybe understand human nature a bit better and then apply that knowledge on behalf of my's an interesting new entry in the digital ecosystem and it's way too early to tell what precise impact it will have past wasting time and telling people about how you just dumped your cheerios down your pajama bottoms in real time.
i suppose this could fall into the category of a new definition of "open source"...not open source as in the code, but as in the source of open communication...(lot's of the mundane is meet me in central park for a salad) but still "open source communication".
much like what lenn pryor was thinking when he started channel 9 at microsoft as described in april's issue of wired magazine. which was arguably the platform for scoble to gain much of his fame before he left...
regardless, this is an interesting thing to ponder and watch...maybe even participate in...we'll see...i don't think that i need another voluntary husband tracker...i already have a blackberry. my wife is actually really great, and isn't at all that type of person, that's just one of many reasons why i love her so much...i know, you're shedding a tear right now aren't you?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
chamber of commerce 2.0...
ask your average business owner what they believe is the single most valuable aspect to being a chamber of commerce member and you'll probably hear something about networking...
in my area of the world, the greater edmonton region, alberta. edmonton has 18000+ businesses...less than 4000 of those are edmonton chamber of commerce members. why not 10 or 12K, afterall it's also a world trade centre. is the value of being a member there or is it getting lost in the translation? not to pick on just edmonton, but for example, many rural chambers have a even more difficult time of generating new members...with many under 30% conversion based on available businesses in the area.
what's really important to most members i believe is the amount of relationships built, opportunities to communicate about a brand, product or service with credibility...sure there are other aspects to the membership that has some value such as lobbying, purchase power and so on...however, the average small business owner wants more cash in their pockets and if a membership representative cannot effectively translate how a membership will do that...they have little chance of having anyone join.
chambers need to adopt a more aggressive technology footprint. there are unlimited amounts of ways to increase communication among members away from the typical networking events which would then strengthen the relevancy of those events. more solutions, more ideas, more relevant communication in general...look for more discussion on this topic in the days ahead...but for now i've got to go to a meeting.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
support our troops...
i want to show support for our Canadian Armed Forces and so i've added this section to the fusedlogic website, to honour their sacrifices in a very small way...
Friday, April 13, 2007
Rocky Mountain House...
when considering a weekend getaway or family holiday and should you like the adventurous type of relaxation...consider Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.
i recently had the opportunity to visit this great Alberta town and also meet some of the folks who live and work there... i have to say, that everyone i talked to was extremely friendly and willing to chat, that, despite the fact that they were all very the way, this isn't about buttering anyone's simply what happened as i experienced it.
i met with Dean Schweder - the Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator and before I left Joanne at the Town office was kind enough to suggest talking with Ron Caine of Caine's Jewellers, a local family owned and run business with over 50 years worth of history in Rocky. this was a great place to start my informal survey of the local business scene. (the number to reach Ron at the store by the way is 403-845-3440, if you're looking for a great deal on some very fine jewelry give him a call, i spied with my little eye, a really neat yin and yang pewter flask that i may consider next time i'm down there, even though i don't consume much alcohol, it's just one of those unique things, maybe as a gift to a friend, hmmm).......
Ron was kind enough to spend a few moments out of his busy day... graciously putting on-hold all of his 55 - 5 minute tasks that were stacked up to chat with me. - Thank-you very much Ron...
he let me know that there is a concerted effort on behalf of businesses on mainstreet to bring attention to the mainstreet business zone, promoting a shop local mentality, showing off what the shops have to offer...the fact that there will soon be a wal-mart in town suggests that these efforts will almost certainly need to increase and continue to be creative to direct the local shoppers their way...i didn't have time to speak to Ron about this issue...maybe on my next trip.
in fact, there's a committee on which he sits who's primary focus and purpose is exactly that. as i walked up and down mainstreet the stickers on the windows were evidence of support of this committee's efforts over the years...
Here's Ron in front of his store...
Some very interesting comments came back to me as a result of my "rocky mountain adventure"and informal chats with various business owners...
For one, like the rest of the Province of Alberta, everyone that i spoke to is short of staff and could use access to new reliable talent...all were very busy and worked long hours at their businesses...despite being tired, the kind of tired that only business owners could understand everyone was very upbeat and optimistic about the future...they most definitely love their town and why shouldn't they? it's absolutely great. you really need to go there and have your very own unique rocky mountain adventure...after all as the sign's "Where Adventure Begins".
before i left for the day...i also had a chance to meet with Trish Kohlert of The Fabric Centre (403) 845-3740, a cool fabric store with a fun team...hey..i'm a guy there's little more i can say about fabric...i can say that the atmosphere was jovial and friendly. Trish did say she considered herself extremely lucky to have really great staff as was evident when i asked to take her picture and she insisted that the whole team smile for the camera...unfortunately i wasn't able to reach Trish today so i decided not to put their picture up without their permission. Thank-you for your time Trish and gang....
Eric and his wife Jodi Wymenga, the hard working owners of Panic Printing Solutions, who by the way, in addition to handling all your printing and engraving needs, can also build your high-end custom computer system and if you have a need for an internet cafe service they have that too... or (403) 845- 5120
Panic Printing handles almost all of the engraving for the local oil and gas scene...all those little plastic name plates on heavy equipment or in gas plants telling you which valve or button you're about to push is all done by Eric's team...that's a lot of engraving...that is in addition to the sports trophies and plaques, way to go Eric and Jodi and thank-you for your time and comments...
Here's Eric in front of his store....
Sandy Andersen, owner of Buddy's Bookshoppe...she let me know that Rocky Mountain House has a twin town ---i can't be sure but i think this is the site... Kamikawa, Japan which I found very can reach Sandy to talk about her passion..."books" at or 1-866-845-3168...all were extremely nice and very proud of their businesses and community...Sandy, you were very busy training a new staff member thank-you for your accommodation and great questions despite that....
it was a bit of a stormy day, despite that though here is some of the beautiful country i drove through...
the spring run-off at's not often you'll get to see a herd of Bison hanging out.......
this snowy picture still turned out in it's own way kind of relaxing...just imagine no sound except for the snow flakes hitting the ground...
a couple of horses hanging out....
this was a very fun day trip and yet there's still so much more to explore and i have no doubt more interesting people to meet....i can certainly see why people love living there...
a client, colleague and friend of mine Jeff Ward owner of Animikii a software/web developer is looking to have the general public name a new content management system he and his team are about to launch...
you can vote for your favorite name here
have some fun and let Jeff know your preference...his company and team are very talented and a nicer guy you'll never meet...and yes, that even includes me...
Monday, April 02, 2007
the business link...
later this week on april 5th i'll be delivering a "brown bag" presentation on global micro-branding for small business at the business link downtown edmonton....if you're in the area stop by for a fun and engaging talk on how to build then spread your brand around the world in a creative way...