Thursday, April 03, 2008

Alberta Business Link, ClearpathSEO presentation

David, is talking about search marketing, search engine optimization and the differences between the two of them. Pay per click versus strategically positioning campaigns.
Talking about sponsored listing where you purchase that search phrase. Google commands nearly 80% of all search in the Canadian search market. Yahoo is only about 13% by comparison.

80% of all B to B offline sales is researched online first. More people use Google to find business coordinates than the Yellowpages...

Think about searching local listings and you as a business can subscribe to those local search result, this is a free service for page one listings.

So how do set up a online search marketing campaign?
Step one: Know and understand your customer
Step two: Pick keyword phrases that your customer is going to understand.
Step three: Pick and customize your landing page for each phrase. Every page should be treated as if they're a landing page.
Step four: Pick your demographics.
Step five: Write an ad that will entice targeted clicks but eliminate unecessary clicks. Be specific.
Step six: Pick key word phrases that specifically match the ad campaign.
Step seven: De-select the "content network"...this is the section of ad's on the side. You'll blow your budget quickly if you don't do this.
Step eight: Create as many ad campaigns as you have keyword phrases and land them on unique landing pages.

Now we're going to to walk through setting up a campaign. We're setting up a campaign for Grant Macewan College.

We're setting up the demographics and locations associated with this campaign. Pick the type of ad, such as text, image, mobile, local business ad etc...

The headline is "Summer Business Schedule" with the description "Advance our education at work."

Google pulls in keywords, be specific and you may not find the ones you this case all the keywords are about "grants" which is not what we want to target. We can use geographic locations as a starting point. We're picking "business education" that are tight selections, "continuing education" is also selected. You may even misspell your search criteria just to expand your reach.

A question: How do you do your keyword research? Use your toolbar or search "Google suggest" punch in your keyword phrases to do some research. Google trends works too but it's older information, type in two competing phrases to see which will be more effective for your campaign. Cool graphs. is the location for this service.

Does google tell you how many people are using the same key words? Answer: yes, check out the key traffic estimator. This is how you test your predicted budget and pay per click results...picking the keyword phrase that will allow you to stay within your budget.

To monitor your campaign, use google analytics and insert your analytics code right in your website. If your adword campaign isn't getting you business then why do

Now we're moving to Facebook (here's my page feel free to join.) to take a look at the ad word system there.

We're looking at how to set up a Facebook ad campaign. Click "business" at the bottom of the page to see all the different opportunities for you as a business owner.

We're going through the targeting system on the ad campaign system. We're targeting over "35 yrs of age in Edmonton". We're playing with the targeting elements, keywords, ages and so on...

There are ways to watch and measure your Facebook ad program with their internal analytics...

Also, make sure you set your budget and a low one per day budget.

Now we're out of David[at]

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