Saturday, September 09, 2006

Jim Peplinski...

i was called out of the blue the other day by Lisa LeJeune, an account executive at Jim Peplinski's Leasemaster.

apparently, i was driving around sometime ago and she wrote down my business number off the side of my vehicle and cold called me. being the type to never pre-judge i agreed to meet her this morning for a coffee. what i found out was that she is a highly skilled and talented individual that used to work for the royal bank as a personal banker. she found that she didn't like the banks tactics as it related to encouraging customers to take advantage of added debt focused vehicles such as lines of credit, credit cards, overdrafts and so on even though it wasn't in the best interest of the customer' s financial future, only to be pressured from the big fish in the little pond for not having pushed these products harder. so, she did a very brave thing and took the leap, leaving her position on moral grounds after 6 years of investment (pun intended) and landed a new position with a solid company that in her words has a moral centre in the form of the ex-calgary flame's leasing organization and is very happy about her decision to move.

way to go lisa...thanks for your time today...keep on expanding your horizons on your terms...

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