Tuesday, February 06, 2007

global opportunity...

"there has never been in the history of human kind such an opportunity to reach out to the masses as we are living right now." i'm certainly not the first one to say this statement, however, my point here is not to be the first but in fact to remind people...

as a business owner you've no doubt attended your fair share of networking events at your local business club or chamber of commerce, i know i have.

my point is that many of these small business owners who are out there religiously networking (some of the them poorly) are not balanced in their marketing approach. by balanced i mean

1.) follow-up with the people you meet.
2.) learn about how to market online.
3.) familiarize yourself with the term "social networks"
4.)understand what hugh mcleod calls "unique currency"
5.)be brave and try new things --- change is not only very good, it's absolutely required.

to understand what an advantage you would have over your local colleagues go into the next networking event asking these questions....

do you blog? while watching many a blank stare come back at you...ask another one...do you know what "youtube" is? (and that it was just sold for over a billion dollars) have you heard the term "podcasting" and do you know what it is? there are definitely more small business people every day becoming more familiar with this terminology, and many who would clearly out pace me with their knowledge ...

yet there is still a void of business people who are able to use these mediums effectively to build steam...let alone those who are working towards building a "global microbrand"

i'm speaking about the topic of global micro branding in a presentation april 5th by the way....

the truth is i believe you're already ahead of the crowd just be being able to navigate here are read this...yet this is simply a small start. get out there try new technologies, explore new methods of reaching a global audience, learn the technology and put together a plan for 2007...

start a blog, do some podcasting, create a squidoo page as i just did here...or go write articles at helium, share your photographs at flickr

there are many ways to get out there and build your brand and now by going to many of these links you're much more familiar with who i am, the people around me including my family and my general outlook on the world...

how often have you wanted to do business and had to have countless meetings before you were comfortable with who you were talking to before you would be willing to buy or partner up?

some of my work and musings have allowed you to understand more about the man behind the brand...that's valuable.

in some cases this means that i'm too radical, aggressive and or too focused on change...for others who want a breath of fresh air, it means that you view fusedlogic as precisely what is needed to drive your business to the next level and beyond...(sorry couldn't help it)

...so in addition to networking offline think about all of the opportunity online to exploit as well, there are definitely ways to build business and your brand.

it's as easy as left foot...right foot....

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