Monday, December 17, 2007

to be clear...

i'm not at all adverse to people choosing to be environmentally responsible. the point of the last post and rant was to express my lack of respect for government who simply feel it's their duty to grow, tax and fine the population in order to look like it's proactive...

how about reduce in size, become more effective with less and motivate and reward rather than the current standard of tax and fine? red light cameras and photo radar as examples of the cash cow mentality...

i understand it's necessary to create new laws because our world is ever changing and sometimes we aren't responsible enough ourselves, such as turning off our vehicle while in a drive-thru for example or during extended periods of idle time. we shouldn't need a law for this type of commonsense, that said, we're lazy in many ways and so to effect any real change rather find a non-bylaw solution to motivate the population, they opt for a lack of creativity, write a poorly constructed bylaw and the result, well that varies from ridiculous to ineffective.

it's against the law to speed, vandalize and do all sorts of much worse things - all for the most part commonsense...yet every day there is a lack of motivation and general accountability enforcing these rule breaking behaviors in many and the police are kept very busy.

i suppose that what i'm asking for here is much more difficult than simply creating a new bylaw and then let the police handle enforcement...i probably shouldn't ask too much of our governing bodies...if they stray off the beaten path too much then the non-creative segment of our community will question as to why they didn't just simply pass a bylaw and be done with it...

i'm clearly speaking about a much bigger issue than a anti-idle bylaw...that was really my point.

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